IT Initiatives
IT Initiatives of TG.S.R.T.C.
The Corporation has been in the forefront of utilizing Information Technology (IT) for providing better services to the esteemed passengers and also to improve the internal efficiency. Information Technology is able to facilitate provision of efficient ticketing and bus pass facilities to the passengers. In the improvement of internal efficiency, projects are implemented in the key functional areas viz., Ticket accountal system, Vehicle maintenance system. Financial Accounting, Payrolls, Provident Fund Accounts, Human Resources Management and Material Management etc.
1. Ticket Issuing Machines (TIMs)
Electronic Ticket Issuing Machines have been introduced in the Corporation during the year 2000, with an aim to
1. Increase the Occupancy ratio.
2. Optimize the utilization of human resources.
3. Generation of reports useful to take timely managerial decisions
4. Electronic ticket accountal through the TIMs to avoid the Manual intervention and
5. Reduce the scope for Ticket & Cash irregularities.
Currently 12703 TIMs are being used in the Corporation.
Conventional ticketing was dispensed with from 01.03.2017.
To provide better service to passengers “OPRS” (Online Passenger Reservation System) project was implemented way back in 2008 and upgraded twice with latest one done in 2018.
OPRS project enables the passengers to book advance/current reservation tickets from anywhere to anywhere, anytime, from any of the TSRTC operated counters or through Authorised Ticket Booking (ATB) Agents or through portals of franchisees such as Abhibus, Redbus, PayTM etc. Further, e-ticketing facility is available for the passengers to book their tickets online using Credit/Debit cards/Net Banking/UPI, from the comfort of their homes/any internet cafes.
Passenger Apps (iOS and Android) are made available to enable the passengers to book tickets.
The Online Passenger Reservation System (OPRS) is implemented at 18 Bus Stations throughout the Corporation with about 1200 services and 408 ATB Agents (Paper ticket).
The following features are provided through OPRS project:
Ticket Booking Modes – TSRTC operated Counters in Bus Stations, Agents and e-Ticketing (through TSRTC online booking portal and portals of B2C franchisees.
408 agents spread across Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Chennai, Shirdi, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Pune, Chattisgarh etc.
Various Payment Options like Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking and UPI for e-Ticketing.
Paperless Travel – Passengers can travel showing the ticket SMS instead of carrying Hardcopy. This is an initiative to encourage the "GO GREEN" concept.
Benefits to Passengers from OPRS:
Information available on fingertips.
Ability to book tickets sitting at home using Credit/Debit Cards, Net Banking and UPI.
Can book tickets anywhere to anywhere
A 13 Agent Central Call Center was launched in the month of July 2011 to attend to the customer calls regarding operational issues, e-ticket refunds, availability of services, Boarding Points, etc. The customer support numbers are 040-69440000 040- 23450033.
Established to handle the customer grievances through a centralized system.
Currently Handling 1400+ calls per day.
Addressing passenger grievances related to the credit, debit card and net banking transactions.
Enquiries with related to the availability of the services and seats for online ticketing.
Enquiries regarding the usage of the OPRS.
Enquiry about the Boarding Points.
Enquiry about Cargo and Parcel services.
Gives customers the freedom to call and get necessary information 24x7.
The “PAAS” (Pass Automation and Accountal System) was introduced in the year 2001 in Hyderabad City. The Project was implemented to issue different types of Bus Passes in the twin Cities to the Students and General Commuters.
Centralized Online Bus Pass Issue Project has been implemented in the Organization, in the academic year 2015-16 for issue of Bus Passes at all locations across the State. Different types of Bus Passes and Marketing Scheme Products are issued through this system.
The activity of issue of Bus Passes, which was earlier entrusted to Franchisees, has been taken over by TSRTC recently.
Applications for bus pass can be made on-line.
Currently Students, Journalists and Kidney patients undergoing Dialysis have to apply for passes online.
Authenticity of the online applications of students is certified online by the respective educational institutions.
Authenticity of the online applications of Journalists are certified by the respective DPRO/I&PR Department.
Credentials have been provided to them for completing the certification process.
Provision is currently available for applying online through web browser.
Pass can be collected by the applicant from any counter selected by the applicant at the time of on-line application.
5. Migration & Integration of IT projects to new technologies:
TSRTC has initiated the process for implementation of an ERP based Centralized Integrated System (CIS) Project for migration & integration of all the Legacy systems to latest technologies, duly proposing the non-computerized areas also for automation.
Modules pertaining to the Legacy Depot Computerization (DCP) were developed and tested. After pilot implementation and parallel run, the project was made live and being implemented in all the Depots to the extent of completed Modules.
The Modules in DCP are replaced with the modules in CIS(Centralised Integrated System)
1. OLTAS---Operations in CIS (Implemented in all 96 depots)
2. VEMAS---EAM(Implemented in all 96 depots)
3. STOINS---SCM(Implemented in all 96 depots)
4. PAYROLLS---PAYROLL in CIS(implemented in 117 units out of 117 units)
5. PMS----HRMS in CIS(Implemented in 117 units out of 117 units)
6. FACTIS ---- Finance in CIS (Parallel run in progress in Rangareddy & Hyderabad Regions)
Finance Module, which integrates all the Modules is under final stages of development. The Non-computerized Modules are also being taken up.
Implementation of CIS is advantageous to the corporation leading to cost reduction, transparency, accuracy, less effort and increase in efficiency etc.
6. Hospital Management System (HMS):
As a part of CIS project, Hospital Management System has been implemented w.e.f 26.1.2013 at Corporate Hospital, Tarnaka and subsequently at all 14 other dispensaries in the Corporation which includes OP module, Pharmacy, Clinical module, Lab, Blood bank, Operation theatre, Radiology and Maternity ward
7. Attendance Monitoring System :
Bio metric Attendance Monitoring System is introduced in TSRTC Bus Bhavan and at Tarnaka Hospital with an aim to Automate Muster Rolls of the Officers, employees, Doctors and paramedical staff.
TSRTC launched Parcel and Cargo Services in June, 2020. Computerization of the various activities (booking, manifesting, transshipment, receiving, delivering etc.) was commenced from February, 2021.
To enable cashless transactions static QR Code based UPI payments have been implemented at all Bus Pass counters in Hyderabad City, ticket reservation & Cargo counters in MGBS & JBS, and for ground booking at RGIA. The same is being rolled out to all locations across the State.
UPI Payments have been enabled in Online Reservation Portal and OPRS App.
Intelligent TIMs integrated with OPRS, which enable the drivers to issue tickets in the buses, with real time updation of the ticket details in OPRS, are proposed to be implemented. iTIMs enable simultaneous online bookings, booking at TSRTC/ATB Agent counters and issue of tickets by drivers in the buses. iTIMs enable the passengers to obtain ticket by payments either through cash or through credit/debit cards and NCMC (National Common Mobility Cards) cards.
As a passenger friendly measure, TSRTC is in the process of implementing Vehicle Tracking & Passenger Information for 4170 special type buses.
Implementation and effective use of IT has helped TSRTC in:-
1. Providing better Services to Passengers
2. Reduction of passengers' waiting time at the time of ticketing & issue of bus passes.
3. Effective Managerial Controls.
4. Reduction in waiting time of conductors at the counters.
5. Effective Maintenance Management of Vehicles.
6. Faster communication of information.
7. Better inventory control.
8. Standardization and simplification.
9. Effective Transfer Pricing and better Inter-Unit transactions.
10. Better Service to the Employees in Welfare schemes.
Achievements in Computerization :
All 96 Depots(100%) have been computerized.
Important Bus Stations computerized for passenger reservations.
100% computerization of payrolls and P. F. accounting for all the employees.
Complete on-line inventory management in two Zonal Stores and a Bus Body Building Unit Stores.
Design of bus body designs using CAD workstations.
Design of Civil engineering infrastructure using CAD and STAAD software packages.
Computerized MIS for Depots / Divisions/ Regions/ Corporate office .
Computerized vehicle-testing machine in use to check effectiveness of braking, steering, lighting and exhaust systems.
All Regional Offices and Depots are connected to RTCWAN and provided with broadband connections.
Operating 24x7 Central Call Centre to address the passenger queries, grievances etc.

On line Ticketing Counter

On line Ticketing Counter

The bus passes being issued through counter at Rathifile Bus Station.

Web camera connected to the computer system facilitating easy issue of bus passes